The Future With Guidr. Discover All The Opportunuities, Resources, And Join Our communities

Hello I am Guidr

And Here To Help You Reach Your Full Potential

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"We don’t create the opportunities—you do. We’re just here to show you the way. We believe that high school is full of opportunities, and it is incredibly important—more than Just Thanaweya Amma. So we are here to guide students and raise awareness about these opportunities. " 

A Lot of Features

Await You with Guidr.

All In One With Guidr

Stop searching and asking friends—just visit Guidr, your trusted companion!
Explore a world of opportunities, from summer programs and competitions to volunteering opportunities, all in one place. But that’s not all—subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest opportunities delivered straight to your inbox, complete with our exclusive guide.

Guidr is here for you, every step of the way!

Guidr's Archievesssss

“I’m not sure what math competitions happen every year.”
No worries—Guidr has gathered all the annual summer programs and competitions, neatly categorized to make them easy to find. Plus, we've done the same for volunteering opportunities, so everything you need is just a click away.

At the end of each page, you’ll find an archive of summer programs, competitions, and volunteering opportunities. Enjoy

I Belive That You Dream By Congratulation Email... Me too!

To master high school, you need a lot of skills and resources to build a great profile. Don’t worry—Guidr has collected resources for skill development, preparing for high school, admissions, and mastering the application and interview stages, along with much more. Just explore our resources library!

Resources are everywhere, and Guidr has gathered all of them for you

"Guidr is more than just a website for opportunities or resources. We aim to develop digital solutions to guide you. There are many features, all designed for you, so stay informed.

Guidr For You. "

Remember To Discover with Guidr

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

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